Monday 28 November 2016

Project Light Up Provide Opportunities for Education in Pakistan

Ospreywood Lab energy solutions boost Education system in Northern region of Pakistan. Electricity can enable young children to study, get more time to read and learn on the other hand Teachers will also have the means to improve the quality of the teaching by using audio visual equipment or information technology devices like computers and internet.  Ospreywood lab’s team is dedicated by providing clean and renewable energy solution in Northern areas of Pakistan which enable young children to study and learn. This learning will help us bolster literacy rate and change lives in Pakistan.

We believe that increased access to electricity will impact e lives by empowering communities, improving safety, and creating opportunities for education.

Our teams are visiting Northern areas of Pakistan by providing green, alternative and renewable energy solution to the communities. See the story! Stay tuned for more!



Friday 14 October 2016

Ospreywood Lab’s Project Light Up

Ospreywood Lab’s Project Light Up aims to provide access to energy and time-saving technology to individuals and communities in developing countries. Thus able them to increase their productivity, generate income, pursue education and entrepreneurial ventures.

Help us change lives, you can contribute in many ways, to find out how please write to us:

Friday 23 September 2016

Agha Khan Foundation Pakistan

The AKDN takes a broad, long-range approach to health that addresses some of the chronic health issues in poor communities. It delivers services directly by operating one of the largest non-profit, private healthcare systems in the developing world – and has done so for over 60 years.  It works to transform health care systems by training thousands of nurses, midwives and doctors.  It operates community health projects, often in conjunction with rural development programmes, in some of the poorest and remote areas of the planet. 

Agha Khan Foundation Pakistan works to improve a community’s health by integrating behavioural change in its related programmes -- for example, by teaching children in its early childhood education programmes the importance of hand washing.   As its universities and teaching hospitals are located in the developing world, it conducts research on the endemic and emerging health issues of these areas, thereby contributing to the worldwide store of knowledge.  Its ultimate aim is to create efficient and appropriate health systems that raise the quality of life of populations in the developing world.

The AKDN’s work in Central and South Asia is marked by widely different experience: decades of conflict in Afghanistan, the demise of Soviet health care in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and the polarization of access to health care in Pakistan and India. To optimize resources and to ensure access to high-quality care even for those populations living in hard-to-reach places, the AKDN employs a “hubs and spokes” system of healthcare services whose reach transcends national borders. A high-level medical facility often staffed with education/ research faculty, a hub supports an array of health centres in rural and/ or urban areas. For example, through eHealth, the medical staff at the remote Khorog Diagnostic Unit in Tajikistan consults its peers in major AKDN university hospitals in Kabul and Karachi, to ensure more timely and effective diagnosis and treatment. Over the next 25 years, this hubs and spokes system will expand to improve the quality and reach of AKDN and government facilities in the region.

Osprewood Lab Free Electricity Generation In Pakistan

Osprewood Lab's team demonstrating Project Light-Up to the residents of PASSU-PAKISTAN. Lighting up the areas using basic heat from their fire. Its free energy and its changing lives !

Our mission is to reduce the global Carbon footprint by providing highly affordable, value-added, reliable renewable energy products for consumer, commercial and industrial usage. Our technology will greatly help in solving the global energy crises and power up under-served, under-developed and marginalized communities worldwide.

Business and home offices use a significant amount of electricity for heating and cooling, lighting, and operating equipment. Here are a number of easy ways to protect the environment, fight climate change, and help make the air cleaner.

We combine engineering principles of heat transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics. We also invest in R&D, novelty, and innovation to reduce carbon emissions and carbon footprints worldwide. Contact us to discuss how we can work to satisfy your requirements. We cannot imagine living without power! We cannot even conceive performing our daily routine life without washing machines, dryers, electric/gas stoves, dishwashers etc. What does electricity mean to 1.2 billion people living in marginalized communities? Help us change lives, you can contribute in many ways, to find out how please write to us.